Free Chat, Video & Audio calls. Send & Request Money. Share Stories.
Send & Receive Money with ease
Send money home to your family, split a dinner bill with your friends or pay the neighborhood chaiwaala. Make all payments big or small, directly from your bank accounts and credit cards.
Easy Messaging
Find your contacts. Send direct messages, group messages, custom stickers, attachments, and more...
Free Voice & Video Calls
Have personal calls, conference calls, video chats all for free on Tamaas.
Share with your loved ones
Be socially connected with Tamaaas Stories. Share your special memories with your loved ones.
Want to start your own mobile business?
Tamaas has your covered! With Tamaas communication and Tamaas Pay, we allow anyone
to connect with us for payments and communication.
We are your Payment and Communication Gateway.
Reach Millions of Users
Build your own website or app and be published on Tamaas App to reach millions of users.
Let us do the heavy lifting
Don't worry about payments and/or communication, we spent enough time to cover that.
Get paid!
We Accept International and Domestic payments so you get paid from all around the world.